Any other year, this would be a straightforward post about making the most of this once-a-year celebration. You could be planning a store event to attract customers with holiday cookie trays, mulled cider, bowls of salted nuts, and other festive foods. But this is 2020. Let’s step back and assess how you can have a successful Small Business Saturday regardless of COVID restrictions. Here are tips to keep in mind.
Social Media Is Your Best Friend
Get your message out on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Let your followers know what specials and promotions you’ll have, posting pictures of your staff’s favorite choices for moms, sweethearts, daughters, mothers-in-law — the list goes on. Better yet, offer customers the opportunity to buy them on Instagram. If you don’t know how this works, read our post INSTAGRAM FOR BEGINNERS, Just in time tips for Valentine’s Day (Though written for a Valentine’s Day post, the method is the same.)
And for quick posts on busy days, visit Stuller’s Facebook and Instagram and share our professionally photographed holiday jewelry posts.
Spruce Up Your Website
Through this year’s ups and downs, we’ve learned that an attractive website will help your business no matter what’s going on. Some customers don’t want to enter stores, and some can’t due to restrictions. No Problem. Use social media, google ads, and emails to direct people to your website, where they can take advantage of store promotions and make all the purchases they choose.
Do you want your site to offer more jewelry? Stuller e-commerce solutions can do that. With a few simple steps, you can set up Showcase or iFrame jewelry, bridal, mountings, diamonds, and gemstone onto your website. For more info, view On The Web – our digital brochure that walks you through a variety of online solutions we offer, including Showcase and iFrame.
The Perfect Gift
This year more than ever, customers need celebrations — as we all do — to keep their spirits up. And they want that perfect gift for each person on their list. Do you have everything you need to meet a wide range of tastes and budgets? Stuller can help. We have a robust, in-stock jewelry position with plenty of choices that can reach you by Small Business Saturday. This is ideal throughout the holiday season.
Crowd Control Can Enhance Sales
Limiting the number of people in your store doesn’t seem like the best plan, but you can turn it to your advantage. Remember: most businesses will have the same rules to follow. Customers know all about these changes, and, hopefully, their impatience will stay in check. Let’s face it: fewer customers in the store frees you to focus on each customer’s experience making it more personal and successful.
Last, But Not Least
Small Business Saturday focuses on local businesses that have grown and shaped your community. What could be more local than sharing your business story, whether you’re a 4th generation jeweler or just starting? Create a PowerPoint with pictures and text that tells where you came from and how you reached this special day. Everyone loves a story, and chances are good you’ll share a few facts even longtime customers don’t know. This will start many conversations and help new customers feel they know you better.
So shine your brightest lights this Saturday and know Stuller is here to support you any way we can and throughout the holidays.
Happy Holidays and Happy Selling!