This holiday season, Stuller is grateful for you, our customers, for allowing us to help you do what you do best all year long. Here’s a look at how members of our Stuller family celebrate the holidays.
Holiday Feast
My dad was not the biggest turkey fan, so he started the tradition on Christmas Day to enjoy steaks instead. For the last 30 or so years, that has been our Christmas feast! My whole family looks forward to this feast every year, and we toast to those no longer here.
Laura Hulin – Accounting
Chinese Food for Christmas
When I was younger, my family celebrated Hanukkah. So when Christmas Day rolled around, we always had the local Chinese restaurant in town all to ourselves.
Daniel Maldonado – Photography
Read in the New Year
Every year for Christmas, my parents get my brother, sister, and me each a gift card to Barnes & Noble. Then on New Year’s Day, we all go to the store as a family and choose books to read in the new year! It turns an everyday event into something special that my entire family enjoys.
Olivia Billet – Diamonds & Gemstones
Family Bonding
Every Christmas, my family opens presents in the morning. My little niece and nephew go first because they are slower and will inevitably need help. After we open our gifts, we attempt to fit on the sofa together. Some quality family time happens during this struggle! After that, we all take our new gifts outside to test them out. A game of tag usually emerges during this time. Then we all help prepare food for the party that we throw for our extended family and friends that afternoon. I always have to grate the cheese and peel the potatoes.
Randy Boner – Packaging & Displays
Snowy Traditions
I have always lived in the North, so snow is a big part of our Christmas tradition. Every Christmas Eve for as long as I can remember, my family would go outside in our pajamas and have a snowball fight and make snow angels. We would always be welcomed back inside by my Mom, who would have freshly decorated Christmas cookies and hot cocoa waiting for us as we watched “The Rockettes Christmas Spectacular.”
Since my son was born, we have continued that tradition: snowball fight, snow angels, cookies, and Rockettes. This year, our first year in Louisiana, we are looking forward to baking cookies, snuggling onto the couch to watch the Rockettes, and maybe even making cinnamon rolls first thing on Christmas morning. That’s the thing about traditions, there is never a wrong time to start a new one!
Samantha Larson – Gemstones
Believe in Santa
The longest-running tradition in my family is our sibling Santa photo. Yes, even as a full-grown adult, I still sit beside a mall Santa with my sister (who is 21) and teenage brother (15) to give my mom the photo that means the most to her every year. It’s always the one ”gift” she insists on getting from us each Christmas. She has every year’s photo showcased in its own festive frame lined up across her mantel. It feels silly sometimes, but I know this tradition means the world to her!
Brittany Boudreaux – Marketing
Reindeer Games
I join my boyfriend’s family in playing board games each year!
Morgan Boudreaux – Diamonds & Gemstones
Stuller’s elves worked hard this holiday season to ensure every little detail was perfect for you. From our family to yours, Happy Holidays from Stuller!