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How to use gemstone photography to promote your business.

Holidays are slowly, but surely, creeping into our day-to-day life in the jewelry industry. We’re prepping hard over here at Stuller to ensure you, the jeweler, has a wildly successful selling season. While I can’t really speak too much to the manufacturing side of business, I can tell you that ramping up your social media during peak sale season will only work out in your benefit.

One detail that stands out to us when reviewing our social media performance at Stuller is an extremely common theme in our top performing Instagram posts. Let’s dive in to some social stats, and how you can use our success to drive engagement on your Instagram!

Top Performing Instagram Posts

When looking at the top performing post on Instagram by month, I noticed a trend in what our audience likes to see.

gemstone social media analytics

Notice a trend? Each month, we noticed that the post that had the highest engagement rate (engagements divided by impressions) had something to do with gemstones! It was really interesting to pick up such a distinct pattern in our highest performers, but I’d like to talk to you about why this is important, and how you can use our information to drive your Instagram strategy.

Engaging Posts on Social = More Impressions

When your posts are highly engaged, they get more impressions (BTW, if you need a refresher on marketing terminology, check my Social Media Dictionary). More impressions simply means that more people will see your post, which could lead to more followers, which could ultimately lead to more business!

This infographic by IQ Hashtags (great resource for social media questions) illustrates why engagement rate is important, in terms of Instagram’s algorithm.

We track engagement rate heavily here at Stuller, in fact, it’s the top metric we report on in terms of social media success. Just like you, one of our main goals on social is to gain more business. Creating engaging content directly attributes to our goal!

Utilizing Engaging Content

Backed by data, we know that our audience enjoys gemstone content. Jewelers and consumers alike engage with our gemstone photos, which gets us more eyes on our Instagram (which ultimately benefits both us and our jewelers). Now that we’ve identified this pattern, what now?

Adjusting your social media strategy based on data is crucial, especially during a time like the holidays, where you want more people checking out your Instagram to search for gifts. So how do you capture more of those lurkers? That’s right, engaging content!

Stuller Does It For You

Insider tip: gemstone photography is HARD. A lot of work goes into our gemstone imagery. One photo could take hours, or even days, to get just right. However, before you scramble to clear a week of your already busy schedule, know that Stuller does the heavy lifting, so you can promote your business with ease. Use our photography as your own when marketing to your customers! Repost our gemstone photos to boost your impressions, and show off to your customers that gemstones can be used in many different ways.

Did you know that our Stuller First® customers get access to a plethora of high-quality imagery and videos, some that we may have never even used before? And that is just one of the perks of being a Stuller First customer. Check out everything that comes with a Stuller First membership, like unbeatable shipping rates and a concierge service here.

Additionally, myself and Victoria, two parts of our social media team here at Stuller, are always available to have social media consultations with you! Email us at and to set up some time to talk to Stuller’s social media experts. Let’s tailor that social strategy and make this holiday season the best one yet.


Hannah Blaine

Former Social Media Specialist