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What are you most thankful for?

Team Stuller expresses gratitude just in time for Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving holiday, amid turkey and togetherness, don’t forget to leave room for dessert and appreciation for life’s simplest treasures. We here at Stuller are most thankful for you, our customers, for allowing us to help you do what you do best. Behind the scenes, a few unique personalities in the Stuller family have a bit to share about what they’re most thankful for—


Wi-fi and Earbuds

Shutting out the rest of the world and listening to my favorite podcast, album, or even watching a video in virtual privacy is the best. If you work in an office, rather than sniffs, sneezes, whispers, drawers and doors, you can listen to light rain, the ocean, or Mozart—without headgear. We certainly take the internet for granted too as I think back to my family’s Encyclopedia Britannica set in amazement. Wi-Fi frees us up from our desktops, enabling our smartphones and TVs to easily access the World Wide Web.

Cedric Garrett – Digital Operations Director

mandy-headshotOnline Shopping

Whether buying presents under the tree or last-minute gifts for my sister-in-law (who swore we weren’t exchanging gifts, but said that she just couldn’t resist!) I’m thankful for online shopping. I get hives at the thought of battling mobs of bargain shoppers on Black Friday with my three year old, so I’ll be Cyber Monday shopping in my pink fuzzy slippers this year. I can’t forget about auto re-ordering, too, because really, how high on my list of priorities is replacing my air and water filters?

Mandy Leblanc – Gemstone Assistant Product Manager


miles-headshot2Stuller Friendships

I’m extremely thankful for the relationships I’ve built here at Stuller and the friendships I’ve found through the years. I’m especially thankful for the mentorship of Mrs. Ramona Gautreaux who hired me as a temp when I really needed a second job. Eventually I worked my way from temp, to part time, to full time work. Five years later and I’m still here! I know I was in the right place at the right time and to be given this opportunity is something I’ll always appreciate.

Miles Collier – Customer Admin Agent


Campfires and Fatherhood

Being a new father for only a few months, I’ve realized just how many sacrifices are to be made through parenthood. Even through those sleepless nights and extra tasks a new parent incurs, it’s all worth it (and more!) to see my baby girl’s big smile at the end of the day. I also enjoy a toasty campfire. It’s tough to beat gathering around a fire under the stars with friends and family, passing a night away with story telling, jokes, and s’mores.

Eric Thibodeaux – Business Data Analyst


lindsey-headshotClean Water

We sometimes forget the simplest pleasures we’re afforded in life. I get up several times in my work day to fill up my water jug, which is a privilege that many across the globe would love to have. Countless people worldwide do not have that simple convenience that we take for granted. I stay grounded by taking a step back to give thanks for everything in my life, even the simplest things like clean water.


Lindsey Prewitt – Gemstone Product Manager


jason-lemaire-headshotFast Cars

This year I’m especially thankful for the support and love of my family and friends. However, I’m really thankful for Amazon too! The site is a lifesaver this time of year and makes holiday shopping so easy! I’m grateful for British sports cars too; they provide a nice break from a hard day’s work! Well that’s actually not true, I’m always working on mine, but it’s a welcomed distraction.


Jason LeMaire – Tools Product Director

From our Stuller family to yours, wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving and a busy Black Friday!