You know, we spend a whole lot of time talking about millennials. We’re constantly pondering questions like: How do we reach them? What messages do we use to target millennials? How in the world do we get them to buy more diamonds?
By now, you’ve heard over and over that social media is the answer to all your millennial-related conundrums. And while this stands true, what if I told you there was another generation on social media with 75% more spending power?
Introducing Gen Xers: The self-purchasers on Pinterest who hold enormous buying power.
According to Pinsights for Business, a quarterly report distributed by the brilliant minds at Pinterest, Gen Xers not only have 75% more spending power than millennials, but they’re 23% more likely to indulge in luxuries when compared to non-Pinners. The data is there, so here are a few insights about this target audience and how to make the sale using Pinterest.
Who are these self-purchasers on Pinterest?
Often overlooked, Generation X is comprised of middle-aged adults, roughly 40-55 years in age. So let’s consider women in that age group— their children are older, perhaps even out of the house. They’ve established their careers, bringing stability and stronger purchasing power to the marketplace. These women are more inclined to gift themselves, especially with jewelry and other self-indulgences. They seek products that make them feel good, and luckily for you, jewelry is the perfect fit!
How to target self-purchasers on Pinterest:
1. Stay Ahead of the Trends
Pinterest is a place for planners. Users use the platform to curate boards for the next season of their lives. This means Pinterest is the perfect place to search for trend insight! Take note of high-performing pins in the jewelry space and try to pinpoint what makes them so engaging. Start by taking the information you gain here and incorporate it into your own unique designs. Let these trends permeate the fashion styles you stock this holiday season.
2. Enable Rich Pins
I truly can’t stress this enough! Enable Rich Pins on your website as soon as possible. It’s a tool Pinterest gives us to make shopping through their platform easy, and we all should be taking advantage of it. All you (or your web developer) must do is install one small piece of code into your site. Rich Pins show metadata from your product pages right on the Pin itself, giving Pinners a richer experience and increasing engagement, clicks, and you guessed it . . . sales!
3. Turn Pinspiration into Reality
Do you customers walk in searching for something they found on Pinterest? Have you ever had to tell them you, unfortunately, don’t have what they want? Not anymore! Close that sale with a tool like CounterSketch. Build a piece inspired by the style they pinned right before their eyes and win them over on a custom design. If you’re interested, we walk you through from Pinterest to price in our free monthly solution sessions at

How do you leverage Pinterest in your business? Let us know in the comments below!