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Tips and resources for creating a savvy staff

staff training development experience teaching

Ensuring that your sales associates know how to close sales and increase customer confidence and loyalty is just one of your jobs as the boss. It’s challenging to find effective training that benefits your newcomers and seasoned vets alike.

And while no single training regime will align perfectly with your needs, some training with all of your associates is vitally important to the success of your business. Here are some tiered solutions to get started:


In the Beginning

Use these resources in your staff training to help those team members who have little to no jewelry experience.


staff training basics of jewelry stuller

  • Stuller’s Basics of Jewelry Book outlines common jewelry terminology and need-to-know jewelry anatomy and factoids.


  • Industry trade magazines like JCK, INSTORE, and MJSA Journal are detail-rich resources. Flipping through these publications, and others, can help newcomers learn about industry trends, challenges, solutions, and creative ideas.


  • Industry associations like Jewelers of America provide a wealth of low-cost training opportunities from their Jewelry Training 101 course available on their website or links to numerous informative blogs and articles on their social media pages.


Middle of the Road

staff training jewelers helping jewelersThese resources are geared toward associates looking to enhance their already blossoming skill set.



  • You can access extremely knowledgeable industry experts on social media that can help add to professional development. Stick with folks like Peggy Jo Donahue, David Geller, Barbara Palumbo, and Mark Smelzer — you could learn a thing or two.


  • Attending events guarantee you’ll walk away with added expertise. Stuller’s Bridge and Transform events focus on solving current industry issues while encouraging open dialogue, and shared learning.
staff training and development

Expanding Expertise

Staff training is an ongoing endeavor. And even experienced veterans will benefit from brushing up on their skill sets now and then. They can do all of the things mentioned above while putting their personal spin on each to get the most from the activities.


  • Keeping up with industry insights and trends can help any seasoned jewelry professional stay abreast with the up and up. Look to our blog and other industry experts like Martin Rappaport to deliver the information.


  • Today, video is the preferred learning vehicle. Nothing beats seeing how others do something step by step. YouTube and our Video Center provide instant access to educational know-how.


  • Want to talk tips and techniques with fellow experts? Forums offer a good place to find others with varying levels of experience and a desire for discussion. is another popular favorite.


Start Your Staff Training!

staff training happy boss's dayLike we mentioned in the beginning, there are many types of staff training opportunities out there. It will take some work to find the best resources to fit your team’s needs. Don’t get discouraged and remember it will take some time to put best practices in place. The important thing is that you have them. Remember to get your team involved in training. Ask them what they feel is important and form strategies and action items through collaboration. It will make everyone better in the long run.

Oh and Happy Boss’s Day to all of the fearless leaders out there!


Randi Bourg

Former Staff Writer