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Use the Summer Months to Strengthen your Social Strategy


Tips to build your social platforms in the months ahead

Ahh, sweet summertime has arrived. It’s hot, kids are out of school, and people are exhausted. That being said, summertime in the jewelry industry is typically a slower season. There are not many peak selling holidays and folks are just trying to save money during the hot months.

While you may have a bit more free time on your hands, summer is the perfect time to perform a deep-dive of your social media strategy. What are you doing right? What can you improve? Luckily for you, I’ve compiled a list of three things you can do to work on your social strategy.

Check out these easy ways to strengthen your social media strategy this summer.

Monitor your insights

The dreaded summer slow season is a perfect time to pick up your phone or sit at your computer and analyze those insights. Don’t know how to do that? Read our blog all about Facebook insights as well as Instagram insights.

Basically, when analyzing your insights, you are gathering data about your social audience. This allows you to better adjust the content you’ll be posting, the time you post, your tone (how to word your message), and much more.

Resources like Buffer provide insight into the importance of tracking your posts.  Here are some analytics you can look for in your insights to adjust your social strategy accordingly.  



Plan out your posts

I know it’s boring and can also be difficult. But trust me when I say MAKE A SOCIAL CALENDAR! Plan out your posts weeks–or even months–in advance! A simple Google search for “monthly calendar” is all you need to plan out those posts.

Utilize popular hashtags like #WeddingWednesday, #RingStack, or #EarCandy to get some creative ideas for posts when you don’t have anything else to post. Use the data from your insights to draw inferences as to what your audience likes to see – if your posts about birthstone jewelry get significantly more love than others, it’s safe to say your followers would probably like to see more birthstone pieces!


Schedule, schedule, schedule

If you’ve spoken to me before about social media, you’ll think I sound like a broken record. But I’ll say it again: SCHEDULE YOUR POSTS in advance! And take this time to get in the habit of scheduling out posts weekly or monthly. Before you know it, it’ll take you little to no time to schedule out a whole month’s worth of social media, and everything will be ready to go for busy season.

Not sure how to schedule posts? Check out my previous blog post where I walk you through the whats, hows, and whys of social media scheduling.

Photo by SOCIAL.CUT on Unsplash

And that’s it! I know these tasks can be tedious, and nobody likes homework, but trust me when I say future you will thank your past self for reevaluating your social audience and getting into good habits for the future.

What do you like to do to spruce up your social channels? Let me know in the comments below!


Hannah Blaine

Former Social Media Specialist