Mountings 2014-2015 and Diamonds and Gemstones just in time for holiday season
Lafayette, LA (September 2013) – With the holiday selling season just around the corner, prime manufacturer Stuller is pleased to announce the launch of two new, comprehensive catalogs–Mountings 2014-2015 and Diamonds and Gemstones.
“It’s been a number of years since we have introduced a comprehensive mountings catalog, so we’re looking forward to this release” says Danny Clark, chief marketing and merchandising officer. “It’s 992 pages of proven best-sellers, up-to-date styling and featured flexible designs.”
Mountings 2014-2015 includes several visual and navigation enhancements making the book more intuitive and readable:
- It’s comprehensive containing all of our bestsellers plus our newest designs with multiple flexible features
- It’s organized so jewelers can find what they need quickly and easily
- It shows each item’s actual size: important information jewelers can share with their customers
And the 128-page companion to the mountings book, Diamonds and Gemstones, showcases the breadth and depth of Stuller’s stone inventory.
“Combine these catalogs with and you have, at your fingertips, every possible style, shape and metal your customers desire,” continues Clark. “What powerful tools.”
To see the full range of options, please visit us online at
About Stuller
Stuller, Inc. is headquartered in Lafayette, LA and was founded by Matthew Stuller in 1970. The DTC Sightholder provides a wide range of goods and services for jewelry professionals. Stuller’s core product categories include: diamonds, gemstones, finished jewelry, mountings, findings, bridal jewelry, tools, supplies and digital solutions.