There is one holiday above all others that commands our respect. It reveres a vast population of women who have earned this rightfully prestigious title. On the second Sunday in May, Mother’s Day calls on us all to show extra appreciation and gratitude towards these selfless family figures. As we hasten to get those Mother’s Day orders out to you, tender imagery on spotlights our most sentimental family collections, and I find myself in a state of reflection.
I‘ve always been a Mom’s gal and naturally look forward to finding the perfect gift for her each year. Imagine my excitement as Mother’s Day approached last year, and I had just begun working for the largest Jewelry manufacturer in the world. Talk about convenient. Before Stuller, I assure you I didn’t know a shank from a setting or a post from a prong, so I looked forward to selecting something stellar for my Mom that I would actually be able to identify.
Unfortunately, my plan disintegrated when Mother’s Day 2016 fell tragic. Just a few weeks before the day we were to celebrate my Mom and the life she gave us, my older Brother passed away after unexpectedly falling ill.
At the time, I’d been with Stuller for a mere sixth months. Just like now, we were promoting all things Mother’s Day. But when I got the call that my brother was in the hospital, my Stuller team immediately stood behind me. They quickly assured me that they would man the ship and not to worry. I could be with my family. My brother’s death was sudden, confusing, heart-wrenching, and naturally devastating to my parents and me, each in our own way. Our friends and family arrived in hoards to console us, and although I don’t remember much of that week, I do remember feeling my Stuller family’s support and comfort from afar.
When Mother’s Day finally came, I found that I had a very different responsibility on my hands than previous years. My mom was in pieces, grasping for answers that didn’t exist… stunned. How could I possibly do, say, or let alone give her anything that would change any of that? I also couldn’t simply ignore the day, even if that is what she thought she wanted.

My Mom and brother were two peas in a pod. Perfectly matched sense of humor, equally argumentative natures, a shared love for tennis and Mexican food, and playful competitive streaks — they practically shared birthdays. As fate would have it, I was working on our 3C Collection when my eye caught a two-stone piece that had undeniable potential. As I strategically added two shimmering aquamarines to the mounting to capture their March birthdays, I knew that I had created the perfect representation of their matched souls together. With my Brother’s physical absence, I wanted to bestow a tangible reminder of their extraordinary relationship. Despite the loss, I had faith that each time she looked down at the ring, a sense of peace and connectedness would wash over her as it did for me upon giving it to her.

The experience also made me appreciate my surroundings. I am a part of an incredible company that allowed a novice like me to be part of creating a meaningful piece of jewelry. Not only that but a part of a team who pulled together to help me get the gift to my Mom on time despite the craziness of Mother’s Day. Knowing that this was made possible by the dedicated and skilled people I work with only reaffirms my pride in being a part of the Stuller family. And I can continue down my career path here with the comfort of knowing that we are a part of a thousand such moments every day—creating peace and connectedness for the broader family of jewelers and their customers. And now that I think about it, my brother would be proud too!
Here’s another heart-warming story detailing a Stuller employee’s labor of love.