Finding the perfect piece to commemorate the love and relationship between a mother and child is always special. For a love that is so pure and unique, one of the most important things to think about is the diversity of your family jewelry assortment. Every relationship between a mother and child is different so you will want pieces that reflect the love of every mother. With the Hold You Forever® Collection, we hope to provide you with something different to fit a love that lasts a lifetime.
What is Hold You Forever?
The Hold You Forever Collection was created to offer a fully finished piece of jewelry to our jewelers to honor the relationship between mother and child. With a love so great and a bond unlike any other, the relationship between a mother and child is sometimes hard to put into words. The symbolic necklaces in this collection are perfect for the mom who wants to hold her child close to her heart forever.
Especially for Her
Traditionally, family jewelry is customizable and meant to feature all of a mother’s children using their birthstones. However, not every mother has the traditional family or mother-child story. The Hold You Forever Collection features finished pieces that honor the traditional mother-child relationship, new mothers, and even the mother celebrating life after loss. This collection truly features pieces for all mothers.
For a Loving Mother
Our Akoya Cultured Pearl Hold You Forever Necklace (87103) features two Akoya cultured pearls of differing size — a larger one to represent the mother and a smaller one to represent the child. The symbolism behind this piece represents a mother’s duty to watch over, shield, and hold her child. For a mother that protects and looks over her child, this piece holds a special connection.

For a Mother with Infinite Love
Our Diamond Hold You Forever Necklace (87113) features a large and small diamond held within an infinity design. The deep bond and infinite love between a mother and child are precious and deserve to be represented in the finest way. Intertwine this piece with any style — casual, formal, day, night, etc. — for a beautiful touch with special meaning.

For a Mother Who Loves Through Loss
Our Akoya Cultured Pearl Hold You Forever Rainbow Baby Necklace (87540) is for the mom celebrating love after loss. A rainbow baby is a term to honor the baby that is born after a miscarriage. A rainbow is the beautiful light that comes after dark times, much like the feeling a new baby would bring after such a loss. This piece was made to celebrate new life while honoring the one she will always know in her heart.

For a Mother Filled with New Love
Our Hold You Forever Necklace (87728) is the latest addition to the collection, which depicts a loving embrace between a mother and child. This piece is perfect for a new mother. For one who is newly experiencing a special bond unlike any other, commemorate this occasion with a piece etched with love.

Held Forever, Loved Eternal
The love of a mother is unlike any other. Whether a mother is looking for something for herself or a loved one is choosing the perfect gift, the Hold You Forever Collection features beautiful and meaningful pieces crafted with love for one who loves eternally.
Shop other items perfect for Mother’s Day with our Mother’s Day Gift Guide and blog post.