Let’s face it, it seems like we work more than we are home these days. Research shows that 1/3 of your life will be spent at work. That’s 90,000 hours over the course of a lifetime. How we utilize our time at work can make a difference in our overall health and wellbeing if we implement healthy habits at work and in our personal lives.
Below are 5 strategies that will help you stay healthy at work while maximizing your time.
Eight to 10 glasses of water every day can help keep you hydrated. Find a water bottle or cup strictly for water at your workspace. Plus, if you struggle with your water intake, using a straw may help you develop the habit of mindlessly drinking more liquid.
Stuller provides several filtered water stations throughout our facility with ways to easily fill those large bottles. Each lunch area also has a Bevi flavored water machine, where associates can choose between 3 different flavors of carbonated or still water to add some flare to the traditional taste.
Smart Snacking
It’s hard to ignore your coworkers’ candy bowl or end the boredom snacking. Snacking is not bad–IF you snack smartly. Don’t eat food with empty calories that will ultimately not fill you up and have you reaching for a snack an hour later. Try switching out the sweets for a protein bar, or the chips with lightly salted nuts. You can still get your fix without getting the added calories.
Stuller’s MicroMarkets offer a wide variety of healthy snacks and lunches like fresh fruit, yogurt, vegetables, hummus, and salads. So the smart choice is easier to make!
Get up and MOVE
Meetings and desk work sometimes prevent us from getting up more times in the day. Aside from the needed break from your computer or desk, movement and exercise help our joints and muscles stretch out. This will help avoid chronic pain and health conditions down the road. Movement and exercise also help burn calories and help you feel better mentally. Make it a point to walk a few times throughout the day (for that water refill), take the stairs, park in the farthest parking space from the door, and even just stand up and stretch.
Throughout Stuller’s 600,000 square foot building, associates can take advantage of six indoor walking trails that show the number of steps, distance, and trips it takes to make a mile. You’ll constantly see associates using their break times to decompress and walk the trails with a buddy, or with their favorite music or podcast.
Manage stress
We are multi-tasking beings, but we need to be aware of how much we are doing and appreciate ourselves. Self-care is not selfish! Take breaks, talk through your issues with a trusted friend or colleague, and give yourself some credit for all you do! Find something that allows you to step away from work and clear your mind, such as talking to a therapist, going into a quiet area to relax and or meditate, exercise/stretch, etc.
Stuller associates have access to a program called GuidanceResources where you can receive 6 free face-to-face counseling sessions with a licensed counselor. Sometimes you just need a neutral party to share your feelings with and get some things off your chest! The program also provides a plethora of online tools and resources for work-life balance.
Practice good hygiene
Now more than ever, we know the importance of practicing the hygiene methods we’ve heard about since we were kids. Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes. Keep hand sanitizer near you to use in-between hand washing. Cover your cough. Don’t go to work if you are sick and take the time to do what’s best for your health.
Stuller has hand sanitizer devices located all throughout the building for readily available access and proper cleaning supplies such as disinfectant wipes and sprays are supplied to all departments. Associates also have access to an onsite Telemedicine Clinic and app-based Teledoc services to receive medical services for minor illnesses at any time.
Following these basic practices will make your work environment, whether at home or in a corporate space, healthier for you and your team.
What healthier practices are you implementing in your business? Let us know in the comments below!