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Female Self-Purchasers: Identity, Myths, and Opportunities

female self-purchaser

Expand your customer base and discover one of the fastest growing demographics in the jewelry space.

More than an accessory, jewelry tells a story and reflects the personality within. Whether it’s a simple wedding band or a coordinated ensemble, owning jewelry is empowering and fills the wearer with confidence. But it’s not the value of jewelry that I’m talking about today — I want to focus on that wearer and how to grab her attention: the female self-purchaser.

Long gone are the days of women relying on others to gift them their jewelry collections. Sure, anyone would love the gift of jewelry, as it is a wonderful gift. However, the woman of today is buying jewelry for herself simply for the love of herself and her style. Why? Because she can.

According to Nielsen and Southern Jewelry News, women are expected to possess 75% of all discretionary spending by 2028, which will make them the world’s greatest influencers. Lyst, a major fashion retail platform, has also reported that 78% of the purchases made in jewelry are by women.

So who is this female self-purchaser? Why is shy buying? Who influences her? Is she really buying jewelry? These are all great questions to ask and exactly what I’m exploring today. Let’s dive into female shopping habits and discover how to expand jewelry businesses to specifically target today’s woman buyer.

Who is the Female Self-Purchaser?

female shopping habitsThe first step in identifying this intriguing demographic is to identify who she is. Southern Jewelry News reports that data is showing “most jewelry-purchasing women are 35-55, with stable careers and willing to spend it on treating themselves.” While the millennial and Generation X populations are obviously the most established in the workforce, you shouldn’t discount the rising young millennials and Generation Z.

Platinum Guild International states that Generation Z is the most likely to make a self-purchase, many of which are claiming to have purchased at least one piece of jewelry. With the younger generation coming into the workforce, their ability to have disposable income increases and the trend is showing they are willing to spend on themselves.

Peer Influences

The younger generations have grown up in the digital age where they are connected to the entire world. With the help of modern social media — primarily TikTok and Instagram — young buyers have begun to influence each other, as opposed to celebrity endorsements that attracted the older generations. From beauty to fashion to technology and beyond, anyone can be an influencer. Today’s self-purchaser is encouraged by their peers to feel confident in buying for themselves.

Buying With Purpose

She’s young, influential, and financially capable, but she doesn’t buy just anything. She has a conscience and wants to make sure her purchases aren’t just an investment but are also sustainable. Business Wire’s Global Sustainability Report in 2021 released that “one third of consumers are willing to pay a premium for sustainable products.” Further, a GWI Report states that 61% of Generation Z say they will pay more for products they believe are eco-friendly.

recycled metals and ethically sourced gemstones 

The topics of recycled metals and ethically-sourced diamonds and gemstones are always hot topics of conversation within the jewelry space. These are topics to be aware of and to bring to the table when selling jewelry to the self-purchasing woman.

Just For Her

She isn’t just another number. She wants product and an experience that is personalized for her. From interacting with brands to the pieces worn, our industry is seeing a strong shift to customization and personalization. Today’s self-purchasing woman wants her style and the things she does for herself to represent HER.


From beginning to end, think about how this experience can be about her.

personalized jewelry

Debunking the Myths of Female Shopping Habits

Surely, there are stigmas and old schools of thought regarding mass movements of women buying jewelry for themselves, but they are not necessarily grounded in reality. Let’s examine a few of these falsehoods and reveal the truth.

Myth #1: It’s awkward for women to buy jewelry for themselves.

Honestly? I’m calling foul play on this myth. There is nothing more empowering than to purchase something for yourself. Any stigma that has been associated with women buying jewelry for themselves is gone for good. The De Beers Diamond Insight Report tells us that women now buy more than a third of all diamond jewelry sold in the United States, often looking to treat themselves with pieces that have an average price point of $1,300.

Myth #2: Women don’t buy their own jewelry.

Again, not true. As previously mentioned, women have the ability and inclination to make purchases for themselves — clothing, shoes, bags, jewelry, etc. And they don’t need a reason. As women’s buying power increases, they will invest in the jewelry they want, when they want it.

Myth #3: Jewelry women buy for themselves isn’t as meaningful as jewelry gifted to them.

I will be the first to tell you how powerful the right gift can be, especially one that comes from the heart. But that absolutely does not mean something bought for oneself is not equally as meaningful. A self-purchase is simply a gift she buys for herself. In the world we live in, self-care is becoming increasingly important. That also includes doing little things for yourself, such as buying the perfect piece of jewelry.

Reaching the Self-Purchasing Woman and Earning Her Business

Now that we have identified who she is, what matters to her, and the reality she lives in, we need to know how to reach her. Her purchase isn’t just a sale, it’s something to be earned. When you treat it as such, she’ll respect you. Take these pieces of advice and see how your business grows.

1. Offer variety in selection with price-point targeted options.

jewelry trends

Today’s self-purchasing woman is ready to buy, so the best strategy to take is to have an assortment that meets her at any budget. From small pieces that catch her eye and inspire her to wear on the average Tuesday to statement pieces bought as a reward for that recent promotion, variety is key.

Stuller offers solutions in fine jewelry that hit these quick-turning price points. 302® Fine Jewelry is an opportunity for her tell her story with the most on-trend styles on the market. The average wholesale price of these pieces is $250 and make for the perfect everyday look. 

2. Direct your marketing efforts to speak to the target audience.

Now that you know who she is, make sure your brand messaging talks to her and grabs her attention. Meet her where she is — likely online and on social media — and connect with her. Let her know that you can identify with her needs and are the solution.


The Stuller Blog is a resource for you to gain tips and tricks to selling to your customers. Our social media and marketing teams are always releasing new educational pieces on how to drive your business on digital platforms. Click here to find more blog articles that will help you refine your social strategy and find the ways you can reach the female self-purchaser.

3. Invite her to your store and spark the conversation.

personalized jewelry experienceLike I’ve said before, the self-purchasing woman is looking for a personalized experience. If you own a retail store, one way to get people in the door is through experiential retail. Whether through events, special buying nights, or something unique that you offer at your store, these experiences are the types of things the self-purchasing woman is looking for to grab her attention. Read more about experiential retail in a previous blog article.

If you are an online entity, there are still ways to start a unique connection. Create a VIP Facebook group or a private, invite-only Instagram account where you have direct conversations with your customers while giving them access to exclusive deals.

In the end, the goal is the same. Put yourself in front of your customer and start that connection. Find out her style and interests, introduce her to your products, and be the guide she needs to find the perfect piece. It’s all about creating that personalized experience.

The Female Self-Purchaser: Expanding the Frontier

I’m sure I’m not the first to point out the rising trend of women buyers. You probably already knew a lot of what I had to say. But let these facts inform your sales strategy and try something new as this demographic takes over the jewelry industry.

Interested in other hot, trending, and insightful topics in the jewelry industry? Check out these blogs for the forward-thinking jeweler.


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Taylor Dizor

Staff Writer

Taylor holds degrees in Political Science and Communication from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette as well as multiple certifications from GIA. His years in the wedding industry and love of fashion trends helps him write content for the on-trend and creative jeweler.