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The Christian Warrior, custom jeweler, and focused family man

“Before every couples’ first home, first child, first anniversary, comes the ring he presents to her in a box with your logo on it.” – Micah Harp


I grew up in the jewelry industry. My grandfather started out doing watch repair in 1954, later opening his own jewelry store. My father also had a jewelry store in a small town for several years, so the industry is familiar to me. In 2001, my father unfortunately lost his job. I was a freshman in college and realized I needed to come home, get a job, and help with my family’s bills. I did just that and went to work part-time for a large jewelry company. One year later, I worked my way up to a management position. I worked for that company for six years in four different states.

In 2007, I took a leap of faith and went into business for myself. On November 23, 2007, I opened our first store in Texarkana, Texas! Since we wanted to use a family name and my last name was used for my grandfather’s business, we decided to title the business Micah’s Jewelers.

Since its inception, I’ve turned my entire business over to God! As I sat in my office in prayer one day, I realized that my store was not just a business, but a platform to show off God’s love. Since that day, our number one goal is to make sure every person who walks through our doors leaves knowing they just left a Christian-based business.

In fact, our faith-filled environment is something that sets us apart. The scripture Joshua 24:15, As for me and my house we will serve the Lord, is displayed on the front doors of both locations. We have other bible verses throughout the stores and in our cases, with Christian music playing at all times. Our stores have a casual feel; we want people to walk in and feel right at home. Our red walls have become one of our signatures and are something our customers remember.

Micah Harp Jewelers Custom Store Logo EngagementIt still amazes me that every couple’s love story starts right here on my sales floor, beginning with us as jewelers. Think about it — before every couples’ first home, first child, first anniversary, comes the ring he presents to her in a box with your logo on it. That’s pretty cool!

Along with bridal, many of our sales come from custom designs. I love creating new and custom pieces for our customers using their old, sentimental jewelry. There is no other jewelry more valuable than heirlooms, something precious handed down from a loved one.

As the Owner and Operator of Micah’s Jewelers, I take care of all the finances and help throughout the store where needed. I have an amazing staff of 11 associates between two stores who make my job easy! Still today, I love making sales. Building a relationship with my customers and continuing that partnership remains my favorite part of the job.

Twelve years ago, I married my best friend, Amanda. She is an amazing mother of our three daughters: Annabelle (11), Sadie (7), and Caroline (4). Amanda and they are my world. We are very involved in a local serving group called Christian Warriors. And I’m also the biggest Dallas Cowboys fan you will ever meet!

Micah Harp with his beautiful wife and daughters
Micah Harp Jewelers Family

My father’s side of my family has been in the jewelry business since 1954, and my grandfather did business with Matt Stuller since the beginning. He assured me when I went into business for myself that I had to have a Stuller account. And in addition to Stuller, social media and CAD systems have changed our business tremendously! Social advertising is free and effective. And though it’s difficult to stay on top of social media trends, the effort pays off. If you are not doing social media marketing, start now! Here are a few tips that Stuller offers.

We spend a lot of our time researching “the next big thing.” It’s tough but important to stay ahead of the game with new trends. We’re constantly trying to understand Millennials and overcome the challenges ahead.

Micah Harp, pictured right with his wife Amanda, and two associates
Micah Harp Jewelers Bridge Associates

My advice to all is this: Make as much money as you can. Save as much money as you can. Give as much money as you can. Pray about every business decision before you make it.

How would you like to showcase your business in our next Feature Friday post? Send us your info at for your very own Stuller Blog feature.


Micah Harp

I have been in the jewelry industry for 16 years • I went out on my own in 2007 and opened Micah's Jewelers in Texarkana, Texas • We opened our second location in Gilmer, Texas in 2013 • We're wanting to open a third location in the near future • My life revolves around my family • I have an amazing wife Amanda, and three beautiful daughters: Annabelle, Sadie, and Caroline • A few years ago, myself and seven other men started a serving group called Christian Warriors – we've since grown to 100+ members! • We do all we can to show God's love through serving wherever needed in our community!