Main Articles

Jason Chandler Brings Estate Piece Back To Life
When is a repair more than a repair? Many jewelers measure it by the challenges involved. This can be particularly true when repairing antique jewelry. Lance
When is a repair more than a repair? Many jewelers measure it by the challenges involved. This can be particularly true when repairing antique jewelry. Lance
Lauren Harwell Godfrey follows her passions and imagination where they lead. Her life has been shaped by changes in direction, constant learning, and a series of successful pursuits. Today, as a well-known jewelry designer
The 2019 Bench Jeweler Workshop was a major success! A bench jeweler’s paradise, our two-day workshop hosted over 150 participants for a weekend of learning, training, and networking.
At the end of March, Stuller welcomed more than 200 jewelers to the 2018 Bench Jeweler Workshop. The atmosphere was electric! The show floor buzzed